Wraps (Enganches)
- A wrap (Spanish enganche) is a move where the follower’s (usually) leg is wrapped (hooked) around their partner’s leg,
- Typically the couple continues with their body movement until they unwrap.
- Side step – A turning wrap often takes place as the follower is taking a side step, the leader inserts a leg, and the trailing leg and inserted leg do an enganche as the couple turns.
- Wrap, Sacada, or Gancho? – All of these moves involve leg interactions and sometimes they blend into each other.
Videos – Introduction
- [Video HC23] How to Do a Leg Wrap 3:28 Howcast’s Diego & Ana. Simple wrap.
- [Video: PA31] Tango steps: Simple Tango Enganche Combination (leg hook) 9:21 by Pablo & Anne. Enganche from Cruzada.
- [Video PA08] 3 tango enganche ideas for better connection & creativity 17:22 by Pablo & Anne.
- Enganche from WR FCross-180 > WL side, MR Enganche WR > Face RLOD]
- Enganche from Ocho Cortado
- [Video CS11] Leg Wraps – Class I with Clint and Shelley 6:15 by Tangology 101’s Clint and Shelley.
- [Video CS12] Leg Wraps II – Leg Wrap from Forward Cross and a Piernazo (High Leg Wrap) 4:56 by Clint and Shelley.
- [Video ML19] Leonardo and Miriam: demo: Fortitude: gancho and enganche – TESO 2012 2:57 Demo by the younger Miriam & Leonardo.
- [Video SG01] The most beautiful Leg Wraps in Tango Argentino by Stravaganza 4:05 by Stravaganza. No, not the most beautiful, but still interesting.
- [Video CS13] Leg Wraps Demo with Clint and Shelley 3:32 Demo by Clint and Shelley. Many of the wraps are in gancho territory.
- [Video HO17] Tango Lesson: The Art of the Leg Wrap 8:55 by Homer and Christina. The lesson is so-so but the demo dance has many interesting variations.
- [Video PA40] Tango Enganche = WHAT is it and HOW to do it? 7:13 by Tango Space’s Pablo & Anne. Show an enganche from a sacada.
Misc notes
Need to expand on these.
- Back Sacada & Leader’s Enganche to Follower’s Back Cross Step
- Enganche to Molinete Right
- Barrida to Enganche
- Reverse Parada at Position 4 to Enganche
- Enganche from Double Planeo & Reverse Parada
- Enganche from Back Ocho with Boleo
- Revolving Enganches
- Leader’s Enganche from Change of Direction & Follower’s Enganche