Introduction to Sacadas
A sacada is a move that is found in tango and few, if any, other dances. It’s part of the class of characteristic tango moves involving foot and leg play. There are many kinds of sacadas, but they all involve one partner (most often the leader) displacing the partner’s leg by either touching it or appearing to touch it.
Sacadas – Low and High
Low sacadas are done around the level of the foot or ankle are the most common. They are typically done on the follower’s front ochos, or sometimes a side steps.
High sacadas are done by bumping thighs.
Introductory Videos – Simple sacadas in front ochos
There is a complete list of sacada videos in a later section.
- [Video HD01] How to Sacada 3:06 Lesson by Hudson Dance Studio Edgewater. Simple sacada in forward ocho, then putting them into a chain of these sacadas, and finally a giro+sacadas.
- [Video PA15] How to sacada: 4 technical details to make your sacadas work (tango) 7:08 Pablo & Anne show
- [Video LA04] Tango 202: more Sacadas 2:04 Demo by Los Angeles Tango Academy. Lots of nice sacadas.
- [Video LA20] Tango 301: Sacadas Deconstructed 2:20 Demo by Los Angeles Tango Academy. Nice, clear dancing with sacadas at all levels. I’m not sure what the word “deconstructed” has to do with this video, but it’s worth watching.
- [Video TG07] Tango interactions » Sacadas I – 08.11.2015 7:16 By Tanguito. Starts with the simple front ochos sacadas, but quickly moves to the high inside sacadas done while walking in cross-foot.
Where: High or low, inside or outside
High or low. Low sacadas aim for a touch at the ankle, shoe (preferable at around the ball of the foot), or low calf. Low sacadas often have only the illusion of touching, esp when the leader’s foot steps where the follower’s foot is leaving. High sacadas use a nudge of the thigh. Knees should never be used.
Inside or outside. Either the inside or outside of either the leader’s or follower’s leg can be involved. If the sacada is on the follower’s outside, a front boleo typically follows. If the sacada is on the inside of the follower’s leg, a pivot or back cross often continues. Inside sacadas can also be used while continuing to walk. In some sacadas, eg a sacada of the follower’s trailing foot in a front ocho, the low sacada is almost on the front of the follower’s leg. These can be considered inside sacadas because of the direction the leg is moved.
Follower’s leg to back or front. Think about where the follower’s leg is going – in front or behind. This corresponds to the outside sacada versus inside sacada.
Across or diagonal. All combinations of the leader’s and follower’s right and left leg may be involved in a sacada. The high/low, in/out, L/R options result in 16 combinations. Another way for the leader to think about it is whether the sacada step is being made straight across or diagonally. When the leader steps diagonally to make the sacada, it often requires a big pivot to face the follower. This may be challenging so sometimes it is easier to sacada straight across.
During which follower steps?
There are several common opportunities to make an inside sacada on the follower’s foot that is about to become unweighted:
- As the follower is making a front ocho (front cross).
- As the follower makes a side step.
- When the follower is walking backwards.
- In a back cross (back ocho).
Rotational energy. The sacada gives the appearance of supplying rotational energy that pivots the follower, but most (or all) is supplied by the follower’s momentum and leader’s body lead. The rotation of the outside sacada is typically continued into a front boleo, and other sacadas into a back cross or side step. Where the intent is to continue walking, rotation is not an issue.
Common problems.
- Timing. Getting the timing right requires practice. The foot of the leg receiving the sacada must be in the process of leaving the floor so that it has no weight on it.
- Momentum. Lack of rotational momentum, either from the follower’s own trajectory or from the leader not supplying upper body rotation, is another common cause of sacada failures. This doesn’t apply to the walking sacadas, where little rotation is desired.
- First, do no harm. Don’t hurt the follower! A common problem is that the leader tries to sacada when the follower is making a front ocho, but the follower takes a small step. Try leading a larger ocho (front cross) step.
- Not for every follower. Some followers may not like sacadas. High inside sacadas are too “intimate” for some followers.
- [Video HD01] How to Sacada 3:06 Lesson by Hudson Dance Studio Edgewater. Simple sacada in forward ocho, then putting them into a chain of these sacadas, and finally one of the giro+sacadas patterns.
- [Video LA04] Tango 202: more Sacadas 2:04 Demo by Los Angeles Tango Academy. Lots of nice sacadas.
- [Video LA09] Tango 201: la media vuelta- half turn w Sacadas 2:35 Demo by LA Tango.
- [Video LA18] Tango 201S – Continuous Sacadas from Forward Ocho 2:08 by Los Angeles Tango Academy. Sacada forward ochos as a fairly simple move with beautiful dancing.
- [Video LA20] Tango 301: Sacadas Deconstructed 2:20 Demo by Los Angeles Tango Academy. Nice, clear dancing with sacadas at all levels. I’m not sure what the word “deconstructed” has to do with this video, but it’s worth watching.
- [Video RB04] Sacadas class demo Lisa & Rafael 2:38 demo by Lisa and Rafael Busch. Various graceful sacadas done slowly. Worth watching.
- [Video TG07] Tango interactions » Sacadas I – 08.11.2015 7:16 By Tanguito. Starts with the simple front ocho sacadas, but quickly moves to the high inside sacadas done while walking in cross-foot.
- [Video HC12] How to Sacada 3:38 Lesson by Diego Blanco & Ana Padrón. Teaches a sequence of three sacadas starting at cruzada. The first two are easy sacadas because the leg that is being sacada-ed is already about to move in that direction. The third sacada leads the follower’s leg to do a front boleo.
- [Video HC13] How to Lead a Sacada for Followers 2:19 By Diego Blanco & Ana Padrón. Follower sacadas leader! Advanced.
- [Video MJ02] Forward Ochos & Sacadas for Leader and Follower 2:57 Demo by Michelle & Joachim. Shows a simple sacada (leader’s left – follower’s left) during front ochos. They also show a more advanced chain of sacadas by the leader then follower then leader etc. It’s always a pleasure to watch them dance.
- [Video PA15] How to sacada: 4 technical details to make your sacadas work (tango) 7:08 Pablo & Anne show techniques for front cross sacadas.
- [Video PA16] Tango Sacadas How-To: 3 tango sacada options for social dancing 7:08 by Pablo & Anne. Sacadas.
- [Video LA34] Tango 302 — Sacada Exchanges 2:36 by LA Tango Academy.
Back sacada videos
- [Video PA17] Tango Sacada: A cool back sacada + walk combination 12:00 by Pablo & Anne. Back sacada.
- [Video HO16] Tango Lesson: Leader’s Compact Back Sacada 5:10 Lesson by Homer & Christina.
- [Video HO02] Tango Lesson: Alterations – Sacada versus Gancho 26 Mar 2019 7:55 By Homer Ladas. Follower back sacadas leader at 2:16
Misc videos
- [Video TG08] Tango axis » Pasadas and paradas – 10.05.2017 6:31 By Tanguito, Argentine Tango Academy. This video has nothing to do with sacadas except that at 6:02 it shows a nice series of overturned front ochos with sacadas.
Sacadas Lesson 1
What is a Sacada?
- A Sacada replaces the followers foot/leg with the leader’s. It usually has the appearance of the leader knocking the follower’s foot/leg out of position, but often this is only appearance.
- Sacada the foot that has just started to move so it has no weight on it. You can not sacada a foot that has weight on it!
- Point of contact: low (foot, ankle, or calf) or high (thigh). The high inside sacada may be too “intimate” for some followers so leaders should be sensitive to that.
- Inside or outside of the follower’s foot. If on the inside, this generally leads to the follower making a back step or back cross. If on the outside, it generally results in a front boleo.
[Sac02a] Sacada Front Cross (low, inside)
- A common diagonal sacada in the Front Cross. Can be done in a repeating series.
- WR FCross & MR Sac WL > MR+180, WR+180 > WL FCross > ML side WL-180 repeat
- Because a front cross is done in other steps (eg Giro), this sacada can be used in those.
- The W should make as large a Front Cross as the lead allows. It looks better and leaves room for the leader’s foot.
[Sac08] Sacadas in Side Step in Giro [Sacxxx] and Ocho Cortado
- Side: WL side & MR diag sacada WR > M+180 & W+90 > WL BCross.
- Giro: Use in the side step in the cw Giro. ML Sac WR is easiest. MR Sac WR is fancier.
- Ocho Cortado: After the rebote to exit with a CrossB.
Outside Sacadas from Back Cross to Front Boleo
- Most common WR BCross > Block+ MR Hi Sac WR > WR Front Boleo.
- Turn W torso to enhance boleo, but don’t tip back.
Sacadas Lesson 2
Review lesson 1
- WR FCross > MR Sac WL > Piv > repeat
- WR BCross > MR High outside Sacada WL > Front Boleo
- Sacada side step in Ocho Cortado
- Sacada side step in Giro
Walking Inside Sacadas
- Walk > MRout Sac WLin >
- continue walking.
- WL BBoleo > WLfc > #2
Walk > Sacada > Back Lock > Walk
- Walk > MR Sac WL > WL BLock > Walk
Sailor MR Back Sacada
Bailout from Gancho to High Sacada
- When a gancho has a bad setup, it’s often possible for the leader to turn their leg to to make a high sacada into a front boleo.
Lesson – Walking Inside Sacadas
Both parallel and cross system walking or facing offers opportunities for sacadas. These are generally easier when in close embrace with a high sacada. High inside sacadas may be regarded as too intimate for some dancers.
Cross System Walking Inside Sacadas
- WalkXL > MLout Sac WRin > continue walking
- WalkXR > …
- What next?
- Continue walking and perhaps repeating the sacada.
- Back ocho
- Switch to cross system on other side.
- Switch to parallel system
Parallel Walk > MRin Sacada(high) WRin on every step [Move Sac01]
- MRin Sacada(high) WRin
- MLin Sacada(high) WLin
- May do this a couple of steps in a row
Parallel Walk > MRin Sacada(high) WRin to BCruzada Volcada
- MRin Sacada(high) WR
- ML behind MR to lead W to put that free leg behind WL and take weight.
- The W will be in a “back Cruzada” (weight on the back, not front foot)
- M? Back to lead WL into Volcada.
- Two options to finish Volcada, depending on which direction M leads W.
- Walk out. M leads WL to go walk back. M shifts R to do this.
- Cruzada. M leads WL to Cruzada. M shifts L to do this.
- MR together ML. WalkXO (starting with ML).
For Future Lessons
[Moves Sac05 and Sac04] “Paul’s Move”
- WL FCross, MR Sac WR > ML Sac WL, ML Piv-, MR WalkR
- It’s often hard for the leader to make that large ccw pivot. A good alternative is for the leader to change feet at that point, which allows a WalkR
MR high outside sacada WR, eg at #3
Outside Sacadas to Front Boleo
- Two ways
- Back and forth using M inside (directly opposite leg). Most common w MR WL.
- Back and forth using M outside (diagonally opposite leg). Most common MR WR.
- Try repeating back and forth.
Sacada Exercises and Combinations
- High Sacadas. Practice left and right, using both inside and outside of leader’s thigh.
- Walking High Sacadas. Inside sacadas and keep walking. Try it both in parallel and cross system walking. Continue walking or pivot to back cross etc.
- Double (or more!) Sacadas in circular movement.
- Clockwise. From WR Front Cross into Moliente: ML Sacada WR, MR Sacada WL. Can be followed by MLout high Sacada WLout to front boleo or paradas or …
- Counterclockwise. Mirror image of above starting with WF Front Cross MR Sacada WR, ….
- Back Sacada in Sailor walk. MR back sacadas WL into low planeo.
- WR Back Sacada MR, MR Sacada WR. Setup with a WL pasada (stepover). WL pivot to face, keeping on WL to pivot clockwise. Lead WR back step to sacada MR, which must be unweighted. Lead WL to step side and MR sacada WR.
List of Sacada Moves below
This is a list from my notes of sacadas I’ve done. It’s still in a rough state.
- 1. Sacadas from W Front Cross (eg Front Ocho)
- 1.1 WR FCross > MR Sacada WL [Sac02s]
- 1.2 WR FCross > ML Sacada WL
- 1.3 WL FCross > MR Sacada WR
- 1.4 WL FCross > ML Sacada WR [Sac02s]
- 2. Sacadas from W side
- 3. Sacadas in Walking Parallel
- 4. Sacadas in Walking Cross System
- 5. Back Sacadas
- 6. High outside Sacadas to Front Boleo
- 7. Follower Sacadas
- 8. Weightless Sacadas
- 9. Other
1. Sacadas from W Front Cross (eg Front Ocho)
There are four possibilities for inside low sacadas when the follower is making a Front Cross, as in forward ochos: The leader can sacada with either R or L and the follower’s trailing leg can be either R or L depending on the direction of the front cross. Many low sacadas have only the appearance of contact as the leader’s foot is aiming near where the follower’s foot is leaving. There are many possible moves to follow a sacada and a few are listed here, but many others also work well.
1.1 WR FCross > MR Sacada WL
Double sacada to sandwich
- WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > both+180 > WL side
- ML Sacada WR into BCross
- MR Parada WL > ML Sandwich > MR placed behind ML to facilitate.
- WR Pasada
Sacada > Pivot to face
- WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > MR+Wr Pivot+/2 > WL FCross-180 > WR FCross > repeat
- Repeat MR Sacada WL to return to initial position.
[Move Sac19] Sacada > Sailor
- WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > WR Pivot+/2 to Sailor.
[Move Sac18] Sacada > Americana
- WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > WR Pivot+/2 to Americana
[Move Sac16] Rotating, repeating sacadas
- WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > MR Piv+180, WR Piv+180 > WL FCross > ML Sacada WR > both Pivot ….
- May be symmetrical with ML Sacada WR…
1.2 WR FCross > ML Sacada WL
[Move Sac16] WR FCross > ML Sacada WL > Walking Sacada series
- M walks forward with sacada on each step as follower does overturned FOchos.
- Symmetrical with MR Sacada WR.
[Move Sac??] WR FCross > MR Sacada WL > Molinete cw Sacada Sacada San
- WR FCross (starting Molinete cw), ML sacada WL (ML Pivot+/4)
- [Continue molinete] WL side, MR sacada WR,
- WR BCross, ML Parada WL,
- MR Sanguchito WL, MR back … Or MR Barrida WL
- Source: Club Español, Noe y Ale 2016-11-23
WR FCross > ML Sacada WR > “M Sacada – W Sacada” v1
- Difficult.
- WL Pivot+180, MR fwd.
- WL Sacada MR?????
- Important is the unintuitive fwd step away from the partner..
??? WR FCross > ML Sacada WL > “M Sacada – W Sacada” v2
- Scott and Denna brought this back from DC 2019-03-03
- WR FCross MR Sacada WL. M continues with forward movement MR Pivot+180
- Stepping away from partner is unintuitive.
- WR Pivot+/2, …
- ???? Need to get it from Scott again.
1.3 WL FCross > MR Sacada WR
WL FCross > MR Sacada WR > Molinete ccw.
- Symmetrical version – See from 1.2 WR FCross > ML Sacada WL.
[Move Sac05]WL FCross > MR Sacada WR > Sacada Sacada Pivot – “Paul’s move”
- Both Pivot ccw; ML sacada WL.
- (a) ML Pivot ccw, WalkX. Or (b) if pivot insufficient (sticky floor), step on MR and turn ccw to Walk out. Good fallback if pivot is insufficient.
- Source: Paul
WL FCross > MR Sacada WR > big half Giro Planeo Volcada
- MR Sacada WR.
- ML cross behind MR because will be attempting large ccw 1-foot Pivot.
- WR makes as large a step as possible around M.
- M continues ccw Pivot2.
- WR Pivot- and WL does big ccw Planeo to touch ML if possible.
- Now begins cw rotation.
- WL Planeos ccw to either
- FCross
- Volcada
- Source: Tango Workshop in Detroit
WL FCross > MR Sacada WR to pivoting sacada series
- Symmetrical.
- MR Pivot cw and as WL Pivots and WR FCross back
- ML Sacada WL and this continues a few times.
- From Noe+Ale at Club Espanol
1.4 WL FCross > ML Sacada WR to double Pivot
- M+W Pivot+180. W ochos back then repeat to return to initial position.
- Don’t do a deep Sacada or W may trip on M foot.
- Symmetrical
2. Sacadas from W Side
- [Move Sac08] WL side > MR Sacada WR+180, WL+180 > WL BCross
- WL side > MR Sac WL > WL BoleoB. Symmetrical.
3. Sacadas from Walking Parallel
These are usually high sacadas when dancing in close embrace.
Walk > MRin Sacada(high) WRin on every step [Move Sac01]
- MRin Sacada(high) WRin
- MLin Sacada(high) WLin
- May do this a couple of steps in a row
Walk > MRin Sacada(high) WRin to BCruzada Volcada
- MRin Sacada(high) WR
- ML behind MR to lead W to put that free leg behind WL and take weight.
- The W will be in a “back Cruzada” (weight on the back, not front foot)
- M? Back to lead WL into Volcada.
- Two options to finish Volcada, depending on which direction M leads W.
- Walk out. M leads WL to go walk back. M shifts R to do this.
- Cruzada. M leads WL to Cruzada. M shifts L to do this.
- MR together ML. WalkXO (starting with ML)..
WalkR > MRout Sacada(high) WRout > FBoleo
WalkR > MRout Sacada(high) WRout > Tijera MRout Sac(high) WRout > FBoleo
WalkR > MRout Sacada(high) WRout > Tijera
4. Sacadas from Walking in Cross System
WalkXR > MRout Sacada(high) WLin continue WalkXO
- While WalkX 3-track open, MRout Sacada(high) WLin.
- Keep walking and may repeat it.
- This can nicely be followed by a Sacada Boleo.
- Source: Hotel Dandi, Stella y Paulo 2016-11-19
WalkXR > MRout Sacada(high) WLin, Boleo, Spiral Cruzada
- This following a walking sacada was a nice combination.
- While WalkX 3-track open, MRout Sacada(high) WLin.
- WL Boleo slow low.
- Bring boleo back through w FCross to Spiral Cruzada. Overturn to get Spiral Cruzada.
- Note: MR should be pulled back enough to leave room for WL to come thru.
- Note: M leads 3 pivots and waits for W to settle after Spiral Cruzada.
- Source: Hotel Dandi, Stella y Paulo 2016-11-19
WalkXR > MLout Sacada(high) WRin > BCruzada Volcada
- MLout Sacada(high) WRin
- MR back side to lead W to put that free leg behind WL and take weight.
- From here is is basically same as parallel MRin Sacada(high) WRin.
- The W will be in a “back Cruzada” (weight on the back, not front foot)
- M? Back to lead WL into Volcada.
- Two options to finish Volcada, depending on which direction M leads W.
- Walk out. M leads WL to go walk back. M shifts R to do this.
- Cruzada. M leads WL to Cruzada. M shifts L to do this.
- MR together ML. WalkXO (starting with ML)
5. Back Sacadas (SacadaB)
2 > ML SacadaB WR > …
- @2 MR fwd, but turn body ccw.
- ML BSacada WL
- To ???????
Sandwich WL > MR SacadaB WL > Pivot > Walk [SacB99]
- Sandwich WL > MR FCross > MR SacadaB WL > …
- > WR Pivot ccw > walk [Sand04]
- > WL boleo > WL FCross [Sand05]
- Note: Can also be done from ML back catch WL
Sailor > MR SacadaB WL > . . .
- > WL boleo > WL FCross [Move SacB06]
- > WR-180 > Walk [Move SacB08]
6. High Sacadas > Front Boleo
[From parallel start of Back Ocho] Min Wout
- WR side pivoting to start WL B8. MLin Sacada WRout to Front Boleo.
- Similar (different feet) to above, but to the closed side.
- This works especially well following Front-Side of Molinete ccw.
[From Molinete ccw following WL front] MR low Sacada to BCross + ML high Sacada
- WR side, MR sacadas WL. Because follower’s momentum was already leading her to pivot ccw to start back cross, this is very natural.
- WL back cross. As follower’s weight goes onto WL, ML sacadas WR into front boleo. Again this is a nice natural momentum move.
[From Crossfoot start of Back Ocho] Mout Wout
- Like above, but M steps across to make the Sacada.
- Works well from 2X.
[From X] M(L/R)out high Sacadas W(L/R) > Front Boleos
- When W is stepping to side, M steps further outside with X foot and sacadas her to a Front Boleo.
- Can repeat by leading W to side step then doing similar sacada on that side.
WR BCross > MR Sacada(high) WL to FBoleo. Symmetrical.
7. Follower Sacadas
[From WL Pivot cw] WR SacadaB MR > ???
- ?????????????
[From WL FCross] WR Back Sacada MR
- Block FCross when W weight is all on WL with no pivot.
- Reverse direction, MR extends to weightless Capt Morgan.
- WL Back Sacadas MR.
- W continues as with Giro (ie WR side …) while ML pivots+
- Video: Tango Lesson: Alterations – Sc at 2:14. Homer Mar 26, 2019
[From WL Pasada] WR Back Sacada MR
- Block FCross when W weight is all on WL with no pivot.
- Continue as with WL FCross WR Back Sacada MR
8. Weightless Sacadas
Weightless low sacadas are done without the M putting weight on the sacada leg. [A very nice move like this is used in Giros where the MR slides out and then comes back behind left as M rotates ccw.]
[from W FOcho] Pivoting weightless sacadas
From Jon Fiebing
- All weight on ML while MR sacadas trailing feet of W F8s.
- ML stays in place and pivots to face W during the F8s.
- MR weightless sacadas WL after W pivot on open side. W continues w F8.
- MR locks in front of ML as M pivots cw to face W.
- MR weightless sacadas WR. W continues with F8.
- MR stays extended as ML pivots ccw to follow W.
- (back to) MR weightless sacadas WL…
[In Giros] MR slides out and then back behind ML as M rotates ccw.
9. Other Sacadas
[@3X] MLin Sacada WRin > WR Front Boleo, Spiral Cruzada ???? Needs work.
- #2X WL Pivot -45
- #3X MLin Sacada WRout starts FBoleo
- WR Front Boleo
- Lead W across to Spiral Cruzada.
- Source: Hotel Dandi, Stella y Paulo 2016-11-19
Need to be added
- Rocking Sacada Rebotes – Milonga step?
- Binary choice test of leading following moves.
- From Molinete ccw MLin Sacada WRout to front boleo.
- From Molinete ccw ML invites WR gancho.
Flow Diagrams
- Sacada WR FCross (Ocho) Flow
- Sacada WL FCross (Ocho) Flow
- Sacada Misc Flow – Five additional sacadas.