Pasada (aka Stepover)
The Pasada (follower steps over leader’s foot) is a very common move after a leader blocks a follower’s foot movement with a Parada. Two follower actions are associated with the Pasada: the Gancho and Embellishments.
In these notes the term stepover is sometimes used for the Pasada.
Pasadas can be thought of in several categories.
- Pasada in. Most frequently the follower steps over the leader’s foot to be in front of the leader.
- Pasada out. Not as common is when the follower steps over the leader’s foot toward the outside of the leader.
- Pasada back. The follower will occasionally step back over the leader’s leg.
See the Parada videos for more videos on Pasadas. Moves that are associated with the Pasada are follower’s embellishments (adornos).
[Video VG04] Paradas-Pasadas & Embellishments – Do’s & Don’ts – Mini Practice ( #59) 9:41 by Vanessa Gauch. Embellishments showing styling details and common errors. For the intermediate dancer.
Leader Technique
- Room for follower’s pivot. The follower often must pivot so the leader must make sure there is enough room for the follower to pivot. This may require the leader to move their foot slightly back from a parada.
- Embellishments. The leader often pauses to give the follower an opportunity for embellishment. Some followers don’t wish to do embellishments. If the leader presents an opportunity and the follower doesn’t take advantage of it, the leader should simply move on and may not wish to present the opportunity with this partner in the future.
Follower Technique
- The follower’s pasada step should be around the leader, not directly forward.
- This is a good chance to embellish if
- Don’t gancho unless it is lead.
Common Moves Preceding Pasada
- A Pasada frequently follows a Parada, Barrida, or Sandwich.
- This is a chance for the follower to embellish.
Common Moves Following Pasada
- Pivot to face. The leader may adjust their weight to be in either parallel or cross system after the pasada. The follower may put feet in a spiral cross.
- Rebote (rebound) to
- Gancho. Don’t do a gancho unless it’s lead. A common problem is that the position is awkward for a gancho. In this case it is almost always possible to substitute a front boleo instead. A gancho on a pasada out can be problematic as the active foot may hit the leader’s opposite leg or other parts.
- Front Boleo
- Forward Ocho or other move that follows a forward cross step.