There are many sites that have general information about tango. Some of them are listed below. If you know of sites that you think would be generally useful, please send me a suggestion.
Tango discussion forums
- Has lots of good discussions about tango (and other dances).
Music, lyrics, etc
- El Recodo – A good place to look for tango music and about tango music.
- Todo Tango – Good information on tango music (songs you can listen to, lyrics, and scores!) and artists (musicians, singers, composers). Historically oriented.
- A different Tango Notes – Not this Tango Notes site!!! A useful music site.
- has some entertaining animated videos.
- [Video YM01] 5 Worst Argentine Tango Habits for Followers 7:21 Demos of bad follower habits.
- [Video YM02] 6 Worst Argentine Tango Habits for Leaders 12:25 Denis if bad leader habits.
Reference, glossaries, …
A Guide to Tango Terminology – Good site for definition of tango terms.
Styles of Argentine Tango – Text descriptions of various tango styles. Videos would be much better.
Wikipedia has many entries for tango. Here are some of them.
- Tango – An interesting, but uneven, collection of tango information. Worth browsing.
- Argentine tango – More about tango, including links to other Wikipedia tango topics.
- Figures of Argentine Tango – Lists many tango figures with a brief description and still photos, which of course isn’t adequate to understand the move. But if you are already familiar with tango, you will find something interesting.
Advice, …
- 5 Worst Argentine Tango Habits for Followers 7:21 – Very entertaining video in its outrageous exaggeration.