Ocho Cortado Introduction
- The ocho cortado is a popular and essential move.
- It’s useful when a sudden direction change is necessary.
- It has many interesting variations.
- It can be done in either open or close embrace.
- It is not a symmetrical move. It is done only right side to right side.
Ocho Cortado Videos
These videos give a good overview of the Ocho Cortado. Most give instruction, but those which are just demos are marked as such. Square brackets enclose a reference to an offline spreadsheet of videos or moves.
Introductory videos
- [Video PA10] How to do the Ocho cortado: More playful dancing 3:26 This video by Anne and Pablo of Tango Space is a good introduction to the ocho cortado. [Move OchoC01]
- It covers the snap cruzada ending.
- The leader’s footwork is a variation that omits a leader side step with the follower then step together ending. Instead the leader’s feet are together with a large clockwise dissociation so that the leader’s chest faces the follower.
- There is nice coverage of the rebound (rebote) that starts the ocho cortado.
- In the demo dance at the end he leads a nice double side rock.
- [Video ML17] 3 Argentine Tango steps you must know 13:11 by Miriam & Leonardo. Introduction to basic eight (altho they count differently), ocho cortado, and giro.
- [Video PA11] Tango ocho cortado: 3 variations to play more 8:10 A video by Anne and Pablo of Tango Space that shows ocho cortado variations.
- Invite the follower to make a heel decoration in the side step. [Move OchoC06]
- Finish with americana. [Move OchoC13]
- Finish with front ocho. [Move OchoC02]
- [Video HC09] How to Do the Ocho Cortado 3:10 Starts the ocho cortado from cruzada, uses a quick parada. [Move OchoC03]
- [Video BL02] Argentine Tango Lesson 10, Ocho Cortado 2:02 by Brett Long. Very clear but they aren’t quite rid of their ballroom attitudes.
Intermediate videos
- [Video PA34] Tango Ocho Cortado Variation: Circular Variation (for Followers & Leaders) 7:23 by Pablo & Anne of Tango Space. The ocho cortado is done with a clockwise 90 turn. [Move OchoC09]
- [Video PA12] Tango ocho cortado: 3 less common variations {new steps} 9:58 by Pablo & Anne of Tango Space.
- From back ocho. [Move OchoC11]
- Ocho cortado with a parada in the middle. [Move OchoC03]
- Ocho cortado entry from walking backwards.
- [Video VG01] Ocho cortado special: embellishments L1 – Mini Practice (32) by Vanessa Gauch.
- [Video HW05] Argentine Tango Vocabulary: Ocho Cortado and variations 0:55 by Helen Wang and Guillermo Merlo. A quick demo of a couple of Ocho Cortado variations (regular, to front ocho, to americana, and to a rock step).
- [Video RB06] Ocho Cortado Susanne & Rafael 2:31 Ocho Cortado. Many embellishments to the Ocho Cortado.
- [Video RB07] Ocho Cortado mit Susanne & Rafael 1:51 Ocho Cortado demo includes several variations. Similar to [Video RB06].
- [VideoML39] Ocho Cortado – A different way to do it! 2:54 by Miriam & Leonardo. More advanced variation in the leader’s footwork.
Other videos
These might not be the first videos to watch, but each one has something interesting.
- [Video MJ01] Sequences for Small Space 1: Ocho Cortado Rhythmic Variations 3:13 by Michelle and Joachim is a nice demo of rhythmic variations for the Ocho Cortado. It shows how matching steps to music can lead to especially beautiful dancing.
- [Video LP02] Tango with Lori & Patrick – #14 – Ocho Cortado by Lori and Patrick. Standard introduction with a few nice variations at the end. It advocates the leader changing weight on each follower step so the leader knows exactly which foot the follower is on.
- [Video LA08] Tango 102: Ocho Cortado & Milonguero Groove 2:22 Demo by LA Tango Academy. Mostly other dancing, but it’s interesting to see how smoothly ocho cortado can be incorporated.
- [Video TG05] Beginners & Intermediates: Ocho cortado with entrada, arrastre and enganche – 24.05.2015 5:29 by Tanguito. Has an enganche and “mini” ocho cortado.
- [Video CS04] Ocho Cortado with Variations and Adornos 12:50 by Clint and Shelley. Several simple variations on the ocho cortado and then one combination that involves the follower barrida of the leader, a wrap and a volcada. The last move is not for beginners.
- [Video TG04] Tango axis » Variations on ocho cortado – 08.05.2019 5:24 by Tanguito. Shows side step and weight shifts. Bad audio. Nice demo dance.
- [Video LA06] Tango 103: La Media Luna 2:18 Demo by LA Tango Academy. They end every Media Luna with an ocho cortado. [Move OchoC16]
- [Video OC01] Argentine Tango Class: ocho cortados 3:09
Typical disorganized Oscar Casas video, but does show paradas and barridas. - [Video KT04] Ocho Cortado. In German with subtitles. Circular style with leader parada. Heel embellishments.
- [Video HO01] Refining The Ocho Cortado and Its Variations, Including Felipe Reverse 8:23 by Homer and Christina. Emphasis on circular ocho cortado and swivels. Advanced.
- [Video TG06] 15/07 Advanced Ocho Cortado variations – two lessons Beginners & Intermediates by Tanguito. 1.5 hours of ocho cortado!!! Don’t watch this unless you are obsessed.
Ocho Cortado Lesson 1
The ocho cortado is popular, useful for sudden direction change, has many interesting variations, and can be done in either open or close embrace.
Classic Move Sequence
- ML forward rebote (rebound / rock), WR back rebote.
- ML back (either pivot+90 or dissociate+90). WR forward+90.
- MR side rock or MR together with dissociation, WL side rock.
- ML Pivot-90, WR pivot-90 into WL snap cruzada to face.
Ocho Cortado to Snap Cruzada [Move OchoC01]
- A convenient starting place is step #4 with a rebote (rebound). Don’t change weight completely.
- Leader left back with follower to right. Both pivot+90 so they face. Leader may dissociate instead of pivoting completely.
- Follower does a left side rock. The leader may also do a side rock or leave feet in place.
- Leader leads quick -90 rotation so the follower does a “snap” cruzada.
Ocho Cortado to Front Cross [Move OchoC02]
Same as Ocho Cortado with Snap Cruzada but finishes with a Front Cross instead of the Snap Cruzada. Follower right pivots -180 to finish facing the leader. May finish with Spiral Cross. Might be a better choice with slower music.
Variation – Quick Parada [Move OchoC03]
As WL side, MRin Parada WRin, pause briefly, MR back out, finish with Snap Cruz or FOcho. This is partly just fancy footwork, but may also cue the W to stop. This may be preceded by a quick MR FBoleo. Instead of a parada, the MR may extend front. Or keep parada for pasada.
Ocho Cortado without initial rock, eg from a WR Front [Move OchoC04]
Eg from Front Ocho or cw Giro or Cruzada > FOcho, Walking backwards, …
From Walking [Move OchoC01]
The WR rock step (start of an ocho cortado) can be done from walking.
Variation – Repeat WL Side [Move OchoC17]
When finishing with the snap cruzada, don’t let WL get full weight. Lead the WL side rock again, then finish as desired.
Ocho Cortado Lesson 2
Review basics
- From Rebote on #4 or walking.
- To Snap Cruzada or Front Ocho.
- MRin Parada WRin: (a) Remove immediately or (b) WL Pasada.
Entries (all involve WR FCross)
- [OchoC01] Most common: From ML WR Rebote > WR Front Cross, ML tog. Even from walking.
- [OchoC04] From WR Front Cross (eg FOchos, Giro cw, …)
- [OchoC18] FaceC > MLbR, WRf > …
- [OchoC11] More advanced. WR BCross, MR Stepover Piv +180 > WR FCross…
- [OchoC01] To Snap Cruzada.
- [OchoC02] To Front Ocho.
- [OchoC13] WL FOcho > Americana.
- [OchoC16] WL FOcho > Sailor. Then perhaps MR BSacada WL > (WL BCross or BBoleo).
- [OchoC05] WL side > MRout Sacada WLin as W takes weight off WL > WL BCross.
- WR heel flex on WL side.
- WR quick rulo.
- W resolves to Spiral Cross (cruzada) after front ocho form.
- MR inserted and W wraps MR. Too intimate for most danvers.
Leader’s Footwork
- Many possible variations.
- ML Rebote > ML tog >
- MR side (> MR tog or MR lock behind ML)
- MR Piv+90
- MR behind to end +90 (or more?)
Not done
- Exercise – M’s arms akimbo. Does this help?
- M in cross system.
- MRin barrida WL to Cruzada. Only if W takes small side step normally.
Ocho Cortado – Notes
These are notes for my reference.
Entering Ocho Cortado
- [OchoC01] Rock. ML Rock f O > MLbR < …. Typically from eg #4 or walking.
- [OchoC04] Dynamic WR FCross, as in FOchos or cw Giro, etc.
- [OchoC18] Static WR FCross as in FaceC or Cruzada. ML b, WR f. Repeat x2 nice.
- [OchoC11] From WR BCross > MR Steparound+180 Wstop > WR FCross > …
- [OchoC19] From Crossfoot.
Mid Ocho Cortado Variations
- [OchoC03] Ocho Cortado with Parada. MRin Par WRin quickly then withdraws.
- [OchoC96=Bar11] …WL side rock > MRin Barrida WLout > Cruzada
- [OchoC97=Bar19] …WL side rock > MRout Par WLin > WL(!) Barrida MRout > Cruzada.
- Back and forth on side rock
- [OchoC19] To snap cruzada, but don’t let WL get full weight, then back to WL side rock, …
- [OchoC06] In side position W shift weight side to side.
- [OchoC07] In side position M paradas W left and right feet back and forth.
- [OchoC22] Mid: WL side rock, MR btwn W legs > lead W back & forth to wrap. Intimate.
- [OchoC14] Many follower embellishments.
- [OchoC15] M keeps weight on MR back step (incorporated in other final moves).
- [OchoC09] Ocho Cortado with circular movement by MR cross behind. +90.
- [OchoC17] In place of WLs rock, WL+90, MR+90 > ML frock, WR brock > Ocho Cortado.
Exiting Ocho Cortado.
- [OchoC01] Ocho Cortado > Snap Cruzada (Standard Ocho Cortado).
- [OchoC02] Ocho Cortado > Front Ocho to Face (optional spiral cruzada).
- [OchoC13] Ocho Cortado to Americana
- [OchoC05] Ocho Cortado with MRout Sacada WLin > WL BCross. Followers don’t seem to like this. See [OchoC99], enganche.
- [OchoC23] Ocho Cortado with MLout Sacada WRin > WR BCross. Needs more work.
- [OchoC96] … WL side rock, MRin Par WLout > MR Bar WL > Cruzada.
- [OchoC97=Bar19] … WL side rock, MRout Par WLin > WL Bar MR > Cruzada.
- [OchoC21] > MRin Par WRin > WL PasIn MR. Ie FOcho finishes with a Pasada.
- [OchoC99=Eng02] Alt exit: MR Enganches WR in cw turn. Followers like if M turns enough.
Leader’s Footwork Options
- [OchoC10] From Crossfoot, W as usual.
- Minor: As WL side steps M footwork minor variations
- MR side with WL.
- M doesn’t side step with W, but just dissociates.
- M doesn’t side step with W, but just pivots MR+90.
- Major: As WL side rocks M footwork major variations
- MR Parada WR briefly. Allows W to know that not continuing in Giro.
- MRout Sacada WLin > WL BOcho
- MR insert for wraps by both legs
- MRin Barrida WLout into Cruzada.
- . . .
- M finishes with lock step:
- ML lock in front of MR. But only if there is enough room.
- [OchoC12] W Snap Cruzada > MR fwd to lock back of ML.
Follower’s Embellishments
- On WL side rock, WR tilt back on heel
- On repeated Ocho Cortado, WR Fancy spiral action.
- WL tiny Front Boleo after WL side rock.
- On WL FCross return to face, spiral cruzada.
- On initial MLf rock, if W is close to M, can tap WR on MR shin on passing it.
Start Ocho Cortado but finish with other move
- Continue with Molinete, BOcho after returning follower to snap cross lifted position. Go from there back cw with a different move.
Moves that should be examined again
- Ocho Cortado with MLin Sacada WLin to Back Cross (difficult), Description below seems wrong.
- Kim and Lee showed this 3/3/2019.
- After WL side rock > MLin high Sacada WLin > WL BCross.
- M feet stay in place but upper body dissociates ccw to face W. This puts M’s legs in a crossed position, which has a somewhat dramatic look.
- WL Back Ocho to return with cw Molinete as M unwinds.