Tango Notes

Ocho Cortado

Ocho Cortado Introduction

  • The ocho cortado is a popular and essential move.
  • It’s useful when a sudden direction change is necessary.
  • It has many interesting variations. 
  • It can be done in either open or close embrace.
  • It is not a symmetrical move. It is done only right side to right side.

Ocho Cortado Videos

These videos give a good overview of the Ocho Cortado.  Most give instruction, but those which are just demos are marked as such.  Square brackets enclose a reference to an offline spreadsheet of videos or moves.

Introductory videos

  • [Video PA10] How to do the Ocho cortado: More playful dancing 3:26  This video by Anne and Pablo of Tango Space is a good introduction to the ocho cortado. [Move OchoC01]
    • It covers the snap cruzada ending.
    • The leader’s footwork is a variation that omits a leader side step with the follower then step together ending.  Instead the leader’s feet are together with a large clockwise dissociation so that the leader’s chest faces the follower.
    • There is nice coverage of the rebound (rebote) that starts the ocho cortado.
    • In the demo dance at the end he leads a nice double side rock.
  • [Video ML17] 3 Argentine Tango steps you must know 13:11 by Miriam & Leonardo.  Introduction to basic eight (altho they count differently), ocho cortado, and giro.
  • [Video PA11] Tango ocho cortado: 3 variations to play more 8:10  A video by Anne and Pablo of Tango Space that shows ocho cortado variations.
    • Invite the follower to make a heel decoration in the side step. [Move OchoC06]
    • Finish with americana.   [Move OchoC13]
    • Finish with front ocho.   [Move OchoC02]
  • [Video HC09] How to Do the Ocho Cortado 3:10  Starts the ocho cortado from cruzada, uses a quick parada.   [Move OchoC03]
  • [Video BL02] Argentine Tango Lesson 10, Ocho Cortado 2:02 by Brett Long.  Very clear but they aren’t quite rid of their ballroom attitudes. 

Intermediate videos

Other videos

These might not be the first videos to watch, but each one has something interesting.

Ocho Cortado Lesson 1

The ocho cortado is popular, useful for sudden direction change, has many interesting variations, and can be done in either open or close embrace.

Classic Move Sequence

  1. ML forward rebote (rebound / rock), WR back rebote.
  2. ML back (either pivot+90 or dissociate+90). WR forward+90.
  3. MR side rock or MR together with dissociation, WL side rock.
  4. ML Pivot-90, WR pivot-90 into WL snap cruzada to face.

Ocho Cortado to Snap Cruzada [Move OchoC01]

  1. A convenient starting place is step #4 with a rebote (rebound).  Don’t change weight completely.
  2. Leader left back with follower to right. Both pivot+90 so they face.   Leader may dissociate instead of pivoting completely.
  3. Follower does a left side rock.  The leader may also do a side rock or leave feet in place.
  4. Leader leads quick -90 rotation so the follower does a “snap” cruzada.

Ocho Cortado to Front Cross [Move OchoC02]

Same as Ocho Cortado with Snap Cruzada but finishes with a Front Cross instead of the Snap Cruzada.   Follower right pivots -180 to finish facing the leader.  May finish with Spiral Cross.  Might be a better choice with slower music.

Variation – Quick Parada [Move OchoC03]

As WL side, MRin Parada WRin, pause briefly, MR back out, finish with Snap Cruz or FOcho.  This is partly just fancy footwork, but may also cue the W to stop.   This may be preceded by a quick MR FBoleo.   Instead of a parada, the MR may extend front. Or keep parada for pasada.

Ocho Cortado without initial rock, eg from a WR Front [Move OchoC04]

Eg from Front Ocho or cw Giro or Cruzada > FOcho, Walking backwards, …

From Walking [Move OchoC01]

The WR rock step (start of an ocho cortado) can be done from walking.

Variation – Repeat WL Side [Move OchoC17]

When finishing with the snap cruzada, don’t let WL get full weight.  Lead the WL side rock again, then finish as desired.

Ocho Cortado Lesson 2

Review basics

  • From Rebote on #4 or walking.  
  • To Snap Cruzada or Front Ocho.
  • MRin Parada WRin: (a) Remove immediately or (b) WL Pasada.

Entries (all involve WR FCross)

  • [OchoC01] Most common: From ML WR Rebote > WR Front Cross, ML tog.  Even from walking.
  • [OchoC04] From WR Front Cross (eg FOchos, Giro cw, …)
  • [OchoC18] FaceC > MLbR, WRf > …
  • [OchoC11] More advanced. WR BCross, MR Stepover Piv +180 > WR FCross…


  • [OchoC01] To Snap Cruzada. 
  • [OchoC02] To Front Ocho.
  • [OchoC13] WL FOcho > Americana.
  • [OchoC16] WL FOcho > Sailor. Then perhaps  MR BSacada WL > (WL BCross or BBoleo).
  • [OchoC05] WL side > MRout Sacada WLin as W takes weight off WL > WL BCross.


  • WR heel flex on WL side.
  • WR quick rulo. 
  • W resolves to Spiral Cross (cruzada)  after front ocho form.
  • MR inserted and W wraps MR.   Too intimate for most danvers.

Leader’s Footwork

  • Many possible variations.
  • ML Rebote > ML tog >
    • MR side (> MR tog or MR lock behind ML)
    • MR Piv+90
    • MR behind to end +90 (or more?)

Not done

  • Exercise – M’s arms akimbo.   Does this help?
  • M in cross system.
  • MRin barrida WL to Cruzada. Only if W takes small side step normally.

Ocho Cortado – Notes

These are notes for my reference.

Entering Ocho Cortado

  • [OchoC01] Rock. ML Rock f O > MLbR  < …. Typically from eg #4 or walking.
  • [OchoC04] Dynamic WR FCross, as in FOchos or cw Giro, etc.
  • [OchoC18] Static WR FCross as in FaceC or Cruzada.  ML b, WR f.  Repeat x2 nice.
  • [OchoC11] From WR BCross > MR Steparound+180 Wstop >  WR FCross > …  
  • [OchoC19] From Crossfoot.

Mid Ocho Cortado Variations

  • [OchoC03] Ocho Cortado with Parada.  MRin Par WRin quickly then withdraws.
  • [OchoC96=Bar11] …WL side rock > MRin Barrida WLout > Cruzada
  • [OchoC97=Bar19] …WL side rock > MRout Par WLin > WL(!) Barrida MRout > Cruzada.
  • Back and forth on side rock
    1. [OchoC19]  To snap cruzada, but don’t let WL get full weight, then back to WL side rock, …
    2. [OchoC06]  In side position W shift weight side to side.
    3. [OchoC07]  In side position M paradas W left and right feet back and forth.
    4. [OchoC22]  Mid: WL side rock, MR btwn W legs > lead W back & forth to wrap. Intimate.
  • [OchoC14] Many follower embellishments.
  • [OchoC15] M keeps weight on MR back step (incorporated in other final moves).
  • [OchoC09] Ocho Cortado with circular movement by MR cross behind. +90.
  • [OchoC17] In place of WLs rock, WL+90, MR+90 > ML frock, WR brock > Ocho Cortado.

Exiting Ocho Cortado.

  • [OchoC01] Ocho Cortado > Snap Cruzada (Standard Ocho Cortado).
  • [OchoC02] Ocho Cortado > Front Ocho to Face (optional spiral cruzada).
  • [OchoC13] Ocho Cortado to Americana
  • [OchoC05] Ocho Cortado with MRout Sacada WLin > WL BCross. Followers don’t seem to like this.  See [OchoC99], enganche.
  • [OchoC23] Ocho Cortado with MLout Sacada WRin > WR BCross.  Needs more work.
  • [OchoC96] … WL side rock, MRin Par WLout > MR Bar WL > Cruzada.
  • [OchoC97=Bar19] … WL side rock, MRout Par WLin > WL Bar MR > Cruzada.
  • [OchoC21] > MRin Par WRin > WL PasIn MR.  Ie FOcho finishes with a Pasada.
  • [OchoC99=Eng02] Alt exit: MR Enganches WR in cw turn.  Followers like if M turns enough.

Leader’s Footwork Options

  • [OchoC10] From Crossfoot, W as usual.
  • Minor: As WL side steps M footwork minor variations
    • MR side with WL.
    • M doesn’t side step with W, but just dissociates.
    • M doesn’t side step with W, but just pivots MR+90.
  • Major: As WL side rocks M footwork major variations
    • MR Parada WR briefly. Allows W to know that not continuing in Giro.
    • MRout Sacada WLin > WL BOcho
    • MR insert for wraps by both legs
    • MRin Barrida WLout into Cruzada.
    • . . .
  • M finishes with lock step:
    • ML lock in front of MR.  But only if there is enough room.
    • [OchoC12] W Snap Cruzada > MR fwd to lock back of ML.

Follower’s Embellishments

  • On WL side rock, WR tilt back on heel
  • On repeated Ocho Cortado, WR Fancy spiral action.
  • WL tiny Front Boleo after WL side rock.
  • On WL FCross return to face, spiral cruzada.
  • On initial MLf rock, if W is close to M, can tap WR on MR shin on passing it.

Start Ocho Cortado but finish with other move

  • Continue with Molinete, BOcho after returning follower to snap cross lifted position. Go from there back cw with a different move.

Moves that should be examined again

  • Ocho Cortado with MLin Sacada WLin to Back Cross (difficult),  Description below seems wrong.
    • Kim and Lee showed this 3/3/2019.  
    • After WL side rock > MLin high Sacada WLin > WL BCross.
    • M feet stay in place but upper body dissociates ccw to face W.  This puts M’s legs in a crossed position, which has a somewhat dramatic look.
    • WL Back Ocho to return with cw Molinete as M unwinds.