Introduction to Boleos
Front boleos (boleo adelante), back boleos (boleo atrás) and linear boleos are tango flourishes that add to the pleasure and appearance of the dance. Although the leader often initiates boleos, the follower may add boleos as adornos, and has quite a bit of control over how they are performed. The main difficulty for the leader is timing.
Boleos may be done with either leg, but the follower’s left leg (WL) is the most common. The following notes assume use of the WL leg unless otherwise specified. A boleo with the right leg is sometimes called a “contra boleo”. They may be high or close to the floor.
Boleos can be dangerous to other dancers and must not be used in crowded situations. They are banned in some crowded venues.
- Follower on axis. Keep the follower on axis, avoid tipping follower backwards.
- Gentle. Do not use too much force — this can hurt the follower. Start slow and easy.
- Firm frame. Except for small close embrace boleos, the leader must have a solid stance. MR may step forward and slightly around W for better control and more space.
- Slow start and finish. Start BBoleo slowly with a quicker whip at end. Don’t rush the return.
- Don’t rush. Let the follower finish.
- On or off floor. Can choose back boleo style: on the floor or off.
- Keep knees close.
- Keep foot on the floor until last moment.
- Collect as foot returns.
Front Boleo
Front boleos are the easiest so that’s a good place to start. In the front boleo the follower crosses and uncrosses one leg over the front of the other leg, keeping the thighs fairly close. This can be led or can be an optional embellishment of the follower. Occasionally the front boleo is called a “castigada”.
Videos – Front Boleo
- [Video HO11] Tango Lesson: Forward Boleo But Not From Forward Step 8:02 by Homer and Christina. From overturned front ochos, side step and walking backwards. . Too much talking, but her boleos seem effortless.
- [Video HC23] How to Do the Front Boleo aka Castigada 3:03 by Howcast’s Diego and Ana. Front boleo from rock W stepping forward.
- [Video HO08] Tango Lesson: The Sacada Boleo Connection 8:52 by Homer & Christina. Front boleo. Good exercise at the beginning. Examples of “he sacadas, she sacadas” and at 7:24 interesting WR stepover as M goes under arm.
Preceding Front Boleo
- WR BCross [as in BOchos]
- WR BCross [as in BOchos] > Stop > WL FBoleo.
- [In cw molinete] WR BCross > Stop > WL FBoleo
- WR BCross > MRin high Sacada WLout > FBoleo
- This is similar to a gancho position. If a gancho was intended, but the follower is not positioned correctly, the sacada FBoleo is a good backup.
- WR BCross > MLout high Sacada WLout > FBoleo
- WR BCross [as in BOchos] > Stop > WL FBoleo.
- WL BBoleo > WL FBoleo
- Overturned Front Ocho at cw pivot > FBoleo
- [Fling] MRin Parada WLout > ML fwd as if for barrida > but MR “flings” WL > FBoleo. By foot but mostly by turning W torso cw.
- #3 > MR high sacada WR > WR FBoleo.
- Embellishments on FOchos.
Following Front Boleo
- FBoleo > WL FCross
- FBoleo >
- WR Pivot- > WL BCross [to BOcho]
- WR Pivot- > WL BCross [to Walk]
- WR Pivot- > WL BBoleo
Boleo, Back
In the back boleo the follower is led as if to start a back ocho but the step is interrupted by a quick reversal of direction.
Videos – Back Boleo
- The following two short videos show standard back boleos with a few variations: toe taps, double foot rises, and on floor. Only shows follower’s legs.
- [Video LM01] LaMaleva Tango Tutorial: High Back Boleo 1:31
- [Video LM02] LaMaleva Tango Tutorial: Low Back Boleo 0:59
- [Video KT08] Boleo 5:52 by Köln Tango. Back boleo. In German with some nice footwork you can understand without the language.
- [Video HO09] Tango Lesson: Anatomy of the Contra Back Boleo 4:37 by Homer and Christina. Boleo – back. Starts with example of four back boleo styles.
- [Video HO12] Tango Lesson: The Boleo & The Embrace 4:01 by Homer and Christina. Lots of good stuff.
- [Video ML26] Contra-Boleo 3:15 by Miriam & Leonardo. Back boleo with right leg. Right leg back boleos are uncommon and followers might have trouble with them.
Moves Preceding BBoleo
- [in BOchos] WR BCross > BBoleo
- #2 > MRin Parada WRin > BBoleo/planeo > Wrap/Volcada/Front cross.
- #2 > WR Pivot- > BBoleo.
- [in ccw Molinete] WR BCross > BBoleo.
- [in cw Molinete] WR side > BBoleo > (continue Molinete in the same direction?)
- SailorR > MR Back Sacada WL > BBoleo
Moves Following BBoleo
- BBoleo > WL FCross
- WL FCross > MR BCross
- WL FCross > Americana
- WL FCross > WL Pivot- > Face
- BBoleo > FBoleo
- BBoleo > Volcada (if MR is placed next to WR)
Linear Boleo (but don’t do this)
The linear boleo is uncommon because the follower’s leg goes straight back into the air which can be especially dangerous to other dancers. This is a show tango move and I’ve never seen this is a social dance situation, altho I do lead it sometimes when there is a lot of space on the dance floor. Looks good if synchronized with appropriate musical phrases.
To Lead a Linear Boleo
Move M R hand down to W’s hip as ML fwd. Push to start linear Boleo. MR may kick along with WL, but only do this if you are sure your lead will result in a linear Boleo. There may be other, or better, leads.
Preceding Linear Boleo
- #3 > Linear Boleo. MR slide hand down to waist ag\nd give a gentle push away.
- Parallel walking > Linear Boleo.
- ??? #3XR > Linear Boleo. MR steps to left so WR sacada ML (or look like it). M torso to cw to face W. From Fantasia video?
Following Linear Boleo
- As WL returns, Linear Boleo > MR back > ML side > #2