Tango Notes

Basic Eight

The Basic Eight (“Eight count basic”, 8-step basic”, “el basico”, …) is the most commonly taught beginner figure. See the videos below for an explanation of the 8 steps.  Beyond the beginner level, this move is not used that much.  However, it is good reference figure for positions to start other moves.

Why the Basic Eight is taught

Although entire figure isn’t used much in actual dancing by intermediate and advanced dancers, it’s important because:

  • Reference. Each of the numbered steps is common vocabulary in describing where to start other moves.
  • It contains four very important elements.
    1. Salida. The side step at #2 is the most common way for tango dancers to start a dance. It is often referred to as the opening, apertura or salida.
    2. Dissociation. In steps #3 and #4, The partners upper bodies will be facing, but their hips will be in a slightly different direction. This idea of having the shoulders and hips in different planes is called dissociation and occurs in many tango moves.
    3. Cruzada. The Cross (El Cruce, Cruzada) at #5 occurs in many places in tango. It takes a lot of practice by both the leader and follower for this to work smoothly and automatically.
    4. Resolution. Steps #6, #7, and #8 are commonly called the tango resolution and it shows that something is ending.


There are several easy variations on the Basic Eight. Eg

  • Pivoting counterclockwise, eg at #1, #2 or #6, is common.
  • Starting with #2 instead of #1 is common because it’s not a good idea to back up on a crowded dance floor.
  • Vary rhythm, eg faster from #3 to #5.
  • Leader switches to cross-foot at #2.
  • Leader may cross right behind left at #5.


Lesson – Basic Eight

This move has eight counts, and the numbers used in counting them are often used as references when discussing other moves.   Here are the eight parts:

Notation: M = leader, W = follower, R = right foot/leg, L = left foot/leg. W follows except for the asymmetry at 5.

  1. MR back.
  2. ML side, making a larger side step than the W.
  3. MR fwd outside of WR, dissociating to face W.
  4. ML fwd turning slightly ccw to lead W in front.
  5. Lead W to cross (cruzada), undoing dissociation. Lift is not the lead. MR together.
  6. ML fwd.
  7. MR side.
  8. ML together taking the weight.

In compact notation: MLb > MLs > MRf(rr) > MLf(rr) > MRf, WL cruz > MLf > MRs > MLt


  • Smooth.
  • Dissociation, unwinding with cruzada.
  • W slides into cruzada.


  • Practice dissociation on the way to the cruzada, and unwinding at cruzada with hands on chest.
  • Use a bar or tube across shoulders to see dissociation.


  • To avoid collisions when going back on #1
    • Start with #2 (ML side)
    • Start with ML rock forward step then ML (#2)
    • Start with a very small MR back step.
  • To avoid foot congestion at cruzada, (1) MR together late, or (2) MR lock behind ML.
  • May turn ccw at #2, #6.  Or turn at other places..
  • Add pauses.
  • Change to cross system at #2.

Basic Eight Alternatives at various steps

Beginners are often taught the Basic Eight as a pedagogical move, but they then become dependent on it as a default move.  Here are some ideas for alternatives to the steps in the Basic Eight.

Alternatives from #0 = Face(O)

Position #0 in the basic eight is facing with weight on the open side feet – “Face(O)” in the compact notation.  Possibilities include:

  • MR back – This is the standard move in the basic eight.
  • Change weight to Face(C) to prepare for MLs, the beginning of the standard Salida or Apertura
  • ML f rock > ML s – I frequently use this.
  • MR fwd – Could start walking.
  • MR side – This would be an unusual start, but not a bad move.
  • Switch to different footwork (Face(R), or Face(L)) with many other possibilities.

Alternatives From #1 = Face(C) = Cruzada

Position #1 is facing with weight on the closed side feet (“Face(C)” in diagram notation)..

  • Standard: Both to open side to #2.  To continue the Basic Eight the M step should be farther than the W step.
  • To Cross system
    • To open side to #2XR (Cross system with right side to right side.)
    • To open side, M taking a shorter step to 2XL (Cross system with left side to left side),
  • ? Planeo.  ML planeos while WR side.  Followed by 3 MR(out) Sacada WR(in).
  • ML back.
  • ML forward.
  • Lots more including shifting to other foot weightings to start other moves.

Alternatives from #2

In parallel system

  • #2 > #3, MRf(rr), in Basic Eight as usual.
  • #2 > MR back.  Step back on #3 as on #1.
  • #2 > MR side. Return to 1.  Step to close side.
  • #2 > Sacada. MR(out) Sacada(high) WR(out).
  • #2 > Parada. (MRin WRin)
    • Parada-Barrida. Pivot-90 WR as MRin Parada WRin. Weight to WL, Barrida.
    • Parada-Pasada. WL Pivot-, WR Stepover (=Pasada).
  • #2 > WL Boleo/Planeo to
    • WL Front Cross / Americana
    • WL Wrap.
    • Volcada.
  • Double Crosses
    • Americana. (MR FCross, WL FCross)
    • MR BCross & WL FCross
    • MR FCross & WL BCross
    • Both Back Cross – Both M+W do Back Cross in mirror image.   Possibilities from this position:
      • WL Pivot+ to start Media Luna / Molinete.
      • WL Pivot+.  MLout Parada WLout.  WL Pivot- to Carrousel (or Pasada).  (K+L)
        Private Video: 2017-01-23 Esp BCross Par Caro K+L.mp4
      • [Awkward] Both Pivot in. Oside (=ML side, WR side) to #2 again.

In cross system (M makes quick change of weight onto MR at #2)

  1. Normal. MRf(rr) {ie 4 tracks}  > #3 > #4, but #5 M0 as W cruzada.  Now back in parallel.
  2. WalkX(rr). M doesn’t step completely outside W.  MR+WL are on same track.
  3. WalkX(ll). Fwd two steps, Pivot- WR, to Cross in either parallel or cross.
  4. Back Ocho. WR Pivot-90 to Back Ochos. ML side.
  5. Front Ocho. WR Pivot+90 to Front Ochos. ML side.
  6. Sailor.

Alternatives from #3

What is position #3?  Here are four different positions that might be considered #3.

  • #3(rr) – The most common use is when the MR is stepping outside to a right to right position in 4 tracks.   Normally this would be written simply as “#3”, but the “(rr)” here distinguishes it from the other possibilities. #2 ML side step is long.
  • #3inline – The M is in front of the W in the normal walking position. #2 ML side step is medium.
  • #3X(rr) – In cross system with the W on the right.  #2 ML side is medium long, then change weight to MR.
  • #3X(ll) – The cross system with W on left. #2 ML side is short, then change weight to MR.

From #3 In parallel 

This is either #3 (M completely outside W) or #3 inline (M in front of W).  This is divided into 4 main groups: (1) Continuing to #4, (2) WR stepping to the side to open side of M, (3) WL pivoting clockwise, and (4) a bunch of misc moves.

  • #3 > #4 as in the normal Basic Eight.
    • #3 > 4 Continue as in the Basic Eight.
    • #3 > Rock #4 to:
      • Ocho Cortado.
      • Giro clockwise.
      • 180 ccw turn
    • #3 > #4 inline to start Baldosa.  (? Explain difference btwn this and regular #4.)
  • #3 > WR Side (to the open side of M). MR #3 fwd must be shorter to make room for WR.
    • > Giro counterclockwise starting with WL FCross or WL BCross- 
    • > WalkXL. (ML fwd, WL back). Continue slight fwd motion and rotate W slightly ccw, otherwise W typically will step around M as for Front Ocho.
    • > WL Front Ocho.  WL fwd, M+W Pivot-180 quickly. > Walk back.  To give W a clue that this is not just a Giro and to make a quick turn on the ocho, M should drop a bit.  Milonguero dip?
    • ??? 3 > WR Side, ML BCross > WL fwd, MR weight (maintaining parallel footwork) > WL pivot-180 M? > Resolution continuing ccw rotation to face LOD.  (Aaron’s DC video).
    • #3 > Both to Open Side  This is position 2 with its many possible moves.
  • WL Pivot +180 (Clockwise)
    • “Gato” – #3 WL+180?…  See [Misc08] for Salida de Gato.  May be easier inline.
    • “Americana” – #3 WL+180 > WR tog > ML fwd, WL fwd > Americana. This can also be done continuously moving forward, which might be easier to lead.
    • “Side Back Ochos” – #3 WL+180 > WR Back Cross > Back Ochos. M big cw dissociation.  M must move body with W, either rocking back and keeping feet in same position or changing to cross system and turning this into a normal side to side Back Ochos.  I like doing it in parallel and moving on each ocho to the closed side.  After a couple of these,  it’s nice to continue to Cruzada as at 5.
    • ? To Sailor
  • Miscellaneous continuations from 3
    • #3 > Both Pivot inward to FaceC > Both O Side > #2. Both Pivot in with side steps as to #2.
    • “Sacada” – #2 WR-45 > MRout Sacada WRout > WR FBoleo.  Most easily done when W is pivoted somewhat ccw from 2 so that the FBoleo is a natural momentum.
    • “Sacada” #3inline > MRin Sacada WRin
    • ??? “To Cross System” – ML quick lock behind MR I don’t this, but should try.
    • “Abbreviated Ocho Cortado” – 3 Rock > Ocho Cortado.   Followers didn’t seem to like this as well as normal Ocho Cortado.
    • “Back Catch” – #3 MR fwd pivoting self ccw. ML hooks around WL. MR Sacada/Gancho? WL.

Cross System

From #3X(rr) (Right-to-right 3 track cross system)

  1. “Basic Eight” – ML #3XR > #4XR Continue forward as in the Basic Eight in cross system.
  2. “Gancho” –  #2 WR Pivot ccw > #3 WL back, MR placed near WL > WR Gancho MR.
  3. “Ocho Cortado etc” – ML #3XR > ML Rock 4 to most of the Rock #4 in parallel moves.
  4. “??? haven’t explored yet” – ML #3XR > WL-180 > …

From #3X(ll) (left-to-left 3 track cross system)

  1. #3X > Back Cross. WL Pivot+180 to
    1. Back Ocho.
    2. Parada.  MRin Parada WLout > Sandwich.
    3. Stop and Reverse to Neutral or Sailor
  2. #3X > Sacada. MRout high Sacada WLin. May be difficult unless in close embrace.

Alternatives From #4 in Basic Eight

In parallel system

  • MLWR Rock on #4 > Ocho Cortado
  • MLWR Rock on #4 > FOcho [Video: GM02]
  • MLWR Rock on #4 > back on MR Piv a little ccw > both open side https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4jSiXPlLNU
  • WR pivot+ > WL FOcho as in Salida de Gata [Misc08]
  • WR Pivot- and go to Cruzada.  ???

In cross system (rr after M’s quick weight change at #2)

  • Ocho Cortado

Alternatives From #6

Step 6 in the Basic Eight is the same as walking ML fwd.

In parallel system

  • #7 Both CSide to continue usual.
  • Walk forward.
  • When #6 is a Rock (or at least change to backward step) to:
    • #7 MR back is same as 1!  Could then follow with #2 etc.
    • #7… Ocho Cortado
    • #7… Molinete
    • Rocking ccw turn with ML fwd and MR back.  May rock multiple times. Some find it is easiest if the ML heel is the approximate center of rotation.
  • When #6 makes Pivot-90
    • Continue with #7 CSide in same direction as #6 for linearized Basic Eight.
    • “Rolling Eight” traveling turn.
      • 7 CSide.  MR should be a long step to start getting ahead of W.
      • 8 Piv-90 ML back (in RR position)
      • 9 MR back to crossover into LL position
      • 10 Piv-90 CSide.  Option: Follow with big back planeo and volcada.
      • 11 Piv-90 MR fwd (now in RR position)
      • 12 ML fwd
      • 13 Cuzada
  • Americana.  WR Pivot-180 to Americana.
  • MR cross to left outside (rr) and we’re in position #3! (Eg WR side, Back Ocho, …)
  • Walk back.  
  • MR(in) Sacada WR(in)

In cross system RR

Note: At #5 in the parallel system the M can choose to continue in either the parallel system or change weight to the cross system.

  1. WalkX(rr)
  2. WalkX(ll)
  3. ? Ochos

Alternatives from #7

Note: This is the mirror image of 2 so many of those moves will work!

  1. Continue to #8 weight change as usual.
  2. Major problem is to keep follower from automatically going to #8 and changing weight.
  3. Ochos front and back.  Back Ochos seem much easier.
  4. Double Crosses
    1. Both back cross
    2. ML FCross, WR BCross
    3. ML BCross, WR FCross
    4. “Canamera” (both FCross)
  5. ML fwd as in in #6 (see description of these alternatives)
  6. ML back with W offset (rr).
    1. Walk(rr) thru as in Baldosa.
    2. Ocho Cortado.
  7. Reverse back to OSide as #2!  How to keep W from changing weight
  8. ML Parada WL
    1. ML(in) Par WL(in)  > ML Bar WL   (symmetric to move from #2)
    2. Boleo/Planeo followed by wrap/volcada/FCross  (symmetric to move from #2).  Too hard?