The barrida is a uniquely tango move involving moving the partner’s foot. The terminology is variable: barrida (English sweep) and arrastre (English drag) are the common terms, but drag sounds inelegant.
Technique for Barrida
- Leader
- In order to slide the follower’s foot, there must be no weight on the follower’s foot. This is done by leading the follower to place their weight on their other foot.
- Generally move the foot toward the follower’s other foot.
- The leader should keep their sweeping knee bent until the end of the move.
- Barridas are frequently preceded by a Parada or Sandwich.
- Follower
- The leader must lead the follower to unweight the foot to be swept.
- The leader may lead the follower to make a barrida, often to reverse a barrida the leader has just made.
- The follower may initiate a barrida.
The first video below is a good place for a beginner to start, otherwise these videos are not yet arranged in order by difficulty or quality
- [Video HC11] How to Do the Drag 3:02 by Diego Blanco & Ana Padrón. From parada at #2. Leader’s right barridas follower’s right toward open side.
- [Video UK09] Argentine Tango Lesson 27A – Back Ocho + Parada + Barrida + Half Sandwich + Low Boleo 1:25 by TangoDanceUK, Shannah & Phil. From parada in back ocho. Brief.
- [Video HW02] Argentine Tango Vocabulary: linear and circular barridas 2:04 Demo by Helen Wang and Guillermo Merlo. No instruction, but inspiring.
- [Video HC15] How to Triple Drag aka Triple Arrastre by Diego Blanco & Ana Padrón. From a parada at 2. Leader barridas to open side, follower barridas in same direction, and then leader again to open side.
- [Video PC01] Capítulo. 05-11. El arrastre o la barrida 6:08 by Véronique Guide & Julio Luque. In Spanish, but with clear, although overly repetitive, demonstrations which make it easy to follow. From parada at #2 with pivots both before and after the barrida.
- [Video ML12] Tango Tips: Barridas – 3 Important tips you must know! by Miriam & Leonardo. Starts with follower right making a front cross.
- [Video ML47] “BARRIDAS” | How many can you spot in this dance? 2:24 by Miriam & Leonardo. Several very nice barridas in beautiful demo.
- [Video MJ03] Barridas + Paradas 3:00 Sep 18, 2012 Demo by Michelle Marsidi & Joachim Dietiker. Nice barridas. The person making the video forgot to include the feet at first, but they improved as the dance progressed.
- [Video EV03] TANGO: Barrida with Different Options (6-19-2024) 3:18 by Evolution Tango TV’s George and Jairelbhi. Three nice barridas.
- [Video HO06] Tango Lesson: Open Turn Sacada, Barrida, Parada, Pasada Experience (Intermediate) 13:45 by Homer and Cristina. Follower barridas leader in Giro.
- [Video TF01] TangoForge Argentine Tango Elements: Barrida 2:02 by TangoForge. Many potential barridas are shown. This is a group with unusual attitudes, from their terminology (eg, the follower is the “rebel”) to footwear (fur boots in another of their videos).
- [Video TT02] Giro a izquierda con sacada, corte, barrida y pasada de la mujer 1:56 by Tango Tools. Dramatic barrida.
- [Video IS01] Tango Barridas 2:34 by Ines & Sven
- [Video SG02] Most Beautiful Barridas in Tango Argentine 3:52 by Stravaganza. Demo of advanced barridas.
- [Video TT03] Base con barridas encadenadas del hombre 0:53 demo by Tango Tools.
- [Video CF01] Tango Lesson: Sacada y Barrida 2:44 By Claudio Forte y Barbara Carpino. Beautiful demo of barridas that start by blocking the front cross. Good musicality.
Additional Barrida Notes
Everything below here uses my Compact Tango Notation, which you should understand before continuing.
[Move Bar01s] Barrida Back Cross/Ocho
- WR BCross > MR(in) Parada WL(out) > MLf > MR Barrida WL
- Symmetrical with other feet.
[Move Bar06s] Barrida to Sandwich
- Sand WL > ML diagfwd > MR(in) Barrida WL(out) > ML Sand WL > MR BCross > WR Pasada.
[Move xxx] Sundial – Repeated barrida
- > ML diagfwd > MR(in) Bar WL(out) Sundial – Rotate W on her standing foot.
[Move ????] Following [Move ParM01] Walking – MRin barridas WRin.
- ??? From MR parada on step back crosses W legs, so pivot W -90 after first barrida so that it’s to side.
- Works well from ML parada WR on back ocho.
[Move ????] @2 MR barridas WR, WL pasada MR, WR side, MLout barrida WLout cw.
- To ML Barrida WL, WR BCross ML(out) Parada WL(out) > MR Pasada WL > ML barrida WL to MR(heel).
[Move Bar12] From WR side > WL BCross
- 1 > MLb diag, WRs > MR(in) Parada WR(in), WL BCross > MR Barrida WR > WL Pasada MR
[Move Bar02] WR FCross > MR Barridas WR back
- (From Cruzada, FOcho, …) WR FCross, MRtop catches WR near end of move and barridas WR back to where it came from.
- This may be difficult if there is not enough room.
- Can be followed by Pasada or Sacada, repeat, or …
- Followed by Sacada [Move Bar15] Follow Barrida with MRout Sacada WLin.
- Or maybe by WL Enganche MR > WL BCross. Must try this again to verify.
- Followed by repeating: WL BCross > MR Barrida WR > …
[Move ????] MRtop Barrida WR can also start after a WL BCross,
[Move Giro12] In ccw Giro
- At every WL BCross MR, MR Barrida WR > WL Pas(in) MR. May repeat at every chance.
[Move ????] From WR side > MLin Bar WLout
[Move Bar14] To Fling
- From MR(in) Parada WL(out) or Sandwich WL > ML fwd > MR give WL flinging impulse while simultaneously turning W body cw.
[Move Bar11] In Ocho Cortado
[Move ????] From MRin Barrida WRin > Sandwich > Pivot+180
- Use momentum of ML Sandwich, both Pivot+180 (slight colgada), MR side
- [Video TT03] Base con barridas encadenadas del hombre 0:53 demo by Tango Tools.
[Move ????] To Reverse Sandwich.
- Eg MRout parada WLin + MLout parada WRout
- From ML back catch
- From WR Back Ocho > MRout parada WLin > MLout parada WLout.
Follower Barridas
[Move Bar03] W Barridas back
- M normally leads it, but some W will, or at least try to. M foot must be unweighted – as it should be anyway.
[Move ???] WLtoe Barridas MRout away
- Eg at common MR barrida in F8s.
- The MR must be unweighted as it should always be.
- Very surprising move to the M.
- WL pushes MR away
- WR then steps over? To Sandwich or trailing foot barrida?
[Move Bar13] W Barridas from Pasada
- When W is offered a Parada and a Stepover opportunity. From Joventango.
- M foot must be unweighted as it always should be in a Parada.
- After the stepover W uses the trailing foot to Barrida the M foot toward the back of their forward foot.
Lesson 1
Lessons should follow Parada, Sandwich, and Pasada lessons.
- Review paradas, pasadas, sandwich
- Technique for barridas (see above).
- Moves
- From Back Ocho > Parada > WL side > Barridas > Sandwich > …
- From two-ish (see above). With Molinete-like repeats.
- More advanced
- Follower barridas leader (but usually led by leader).
- Barrida > Fling.
- In the Ocho Cortado.
Lesson 2
Review lesson 1: technique, WR BCross (BOcho),