Tango Notes


The Baldosa Box, or simply Baldosa, is a 6-step box figure that is very common in the milonga style and is often taught as an introductory tango figure. It is similar to the Basic Eight without the Cruzada. The Spanish term “baldosa” means “floor tile”, presumably because the rectangular nature of this figure resembles the shape of a floor tile.

Introductory Videos

  • [Video CS08] Milonga 101- Part 1 – The Box Step  5:21 by Tangology101. These are basic Milonga steps: baldosa, stairstep (combination of forward and side steps), side steps, and turning.  However, they can easily be adapted to regular tango.  The first box step demonstrated is not commonly used, and in the remainder of the video it is never repeated.
  • [Video LA32] Tango 101S: La Baldosa Basic – Class Demo 2:27 by Los Angeles Tango Academy.  Basic baldosa done beautifully followed by variations.
  • [Video LA19] Tango 101S – La Baldosa 3:00 by Los Angeles Tango Academy.   Nice slow demo of the baldosa followed by other dancing.
  • [Video PT01] Baldosa 0:11 by Pietro T.  The author has a reasonable concern with the danger of starting any move with a back step and shows how the Baldosa can easily start with the side step. The video shows two variations in only 11 seconds!
  • [Video CL02] Argentine Tango 8 Step Basic with Instructions 2:53 by Rusty Cline & Joanne Canalli. Shows the Basic Eight, but also finishes by teaching the six step baldosa.
  • [Video UK01] Milonga lesson 1 – Baldosa Box 0:43 by TangoDanceUK shows a basic baldosa box and then shows how it can also turn.
  • [Video UK02] Milonga lesson 2 – Progressive Step 0:37 by TangoDanceUK demonstrates a forward step that is easily added to the baldosa.

See Also

The baldosa is very common in the milonga style of dancing.  See Milonga Videos and Moves