Tango Notes


The Americana is a simple, elegant, and useful step with the partners facing the same direction in a promenade position with the feet on the inside (leader’s right, follower’s left) extended forward. See Americana Flow Diagram for a graphical representation of some Americana possibilities.

Basic Americana Moves

How to get into Americana

  1. From a side step to the open side, both pivoting to make the next step the Americana. [Am01]
  2. From a front ocho as the follower steps forward on their left, the leader steps forward right into the Americana. The leader’s weight change is the cross system when leading ochos, but the Americana is a parallel move, so the leader must change weight to their left foot as they bring their left together with their right to prepare for the Americana. [Am03]
  3. From walking in parallel, leader pivots follower clockwise so that an Americana follows. [Am04]
  4. From the Ocho Cortado, leading the follower into a front cross instead of snap cross. [OchoC13]

Where to go from Americana

  • Both pivot on the inside feet to face followed by a step to the open side. [Am02]
  • Pivot the follower on their left counterclockwise 180 to face the leader.
    • Walk forward in parallel. [Am15]
    • Lead follower to side step right then both walk forward cross-foot left-to-left sides. [Am05]
    • Both side step to the open side, as to position #2 in the basic eight.
    • Lead the follower to side step right to begin a molinete / giro.


More advanced videos and other

Americana Lesson 1


  • Also called Salida Americana.
  • Embrace: This is a promenade position where the leader’s right hand slides around the follower’s back, left hand extended in front, bodies dissociated in V angle.
  • Feet: Not close. Inside feet should NOT be close because the most common following move uses a pivot, which will cause a foot collision. Usually each dancer’s feet should be in a line forward, but the leader may angle to the right if they are going to cross in front.
  • Feet: Extension. How far should the leader’s foot extend? It depends on the following move. If the follower is going to pivot in front of the leader, then the leader’s foot should not be extended as far as the follower’s foot. If the leader is going to pivot in front the the follower then the leader’s foot should extend farther.

Americana Lesson 2

Review Lesson 1

Entries to Americana

  • [Am01] From salida (#2) both partners pivot out > Americana. This requires preparation so that the side step is down the line of dance.
  • [Am04] From Walking: WR Pivot+180 > Americana. Or WL Pivot+90 > WRb+90 > Americana. Or from #2 > WLb+90 > WRb+90 > Americana with the leader walking outside right to right.
  • [Am03] From WL Front Cross (eg Ocho): ML gets weight at rightmost pivot, Ie cross to parallel system.
  • [OchoC13] From Ocho Cortado: Similar to Front Ocho

Exits from Americana

  • [Am02] Americana > Both pivot to face > Both Open side 2
  • [Am15] Americana > WL Piv-/2 > ML Walk
  • [Am05] Americana > WL Piv-/2 > WR Side > ML WalkXL [> MLout Sac WRin]

Additional Entries

  • [BBoleo02] From a Back Boleo.

Additional Exits

Fairly Easy

  • [Am20] Americana > MW fwd outside feet > MW fwd on inside feet to Americana
  • [Am06] Americana > W lean > WR gancho > WR back > WR Piv- > Walk
  • [Am09] Americana > WL Piv-/2 > WR Side > WL FCross …
  • [Am25] Americana > MR Piv +/2 > ML parada WL > ML BCross > WR PasIn

More difficult

  • [Am24] Americana > WL Piv-/2 > WR fwd/side > WL fwd > fast MW Piv-180 > Walk back
  • [Am34] Americana > WL-180 > WRs > ML Sac WL > … > WR Gancho ML > …
  • [Am07] Americana > Pivot-Pivot to Americana
  • [Am08] Americana > Pivot-Pivot to walk.
  • [Am10] Americana > Both Piv in > MLs, WR kick btwn M legs > ML BCross, WR BCross > WR-180 …
  • [Zig03s] Americana > MW Piv to face > MWO side > MW BCross > MWO Side > …

Unresolved Issues

  • Try entry from WR BCross, M Block > WL FBoleo > Americana. It would seem ok, but was difficult, partly because my partner took a small fwd step. M’s footwork might improve that.
  • Must try.[ Video CA01 t=8m8s] . 3 > Mtog, Wtog+180. I’ve never tried this, but looks interesting. When the feet are together, the bodies keep moving. No bouncing. Can practice with steps instead of together. Try walking and pivoting on WL instead of WR.
  • Must try.[ Video CA01 t=17m20s] . From ccw Giro add Am as WLfwd. Require M to overturn. Can then continue in the Giro or not. Possibly can even move the GIro along LOD by doing Am each time around. M must keep W from making a fwd step around.
  • What about a reverse “Americana” to the other side (ML WR forward on the inside)?